Pedagogical Tool Box of Teaching Ideas
Compiled by Daved Muttart

The sources indicated in red are given in full at the end of the Tool Box. Many of the ideas expressed herein come from the works referred to in this portfolio; references are provided only where the texts contain further useful information.

Ideas to remember; Considerations to be borne in mind

Note: even though this Tool Box is broken into large and small, some ideas may work in groups of any size.

Large Classes


Assessment: Self and Formative

Small Groups

Evaluation of Students Resources

B. Gross Davis, Tools for Teaching, (San Francisco CA; Josey-Bass, 2001)

J. Eagar, The Right Tool for the Job: The Effective Use of Pedagogical Methods in Legal Education, (1997) 32 Gonz. L. Rev. 389

G.F. Hess & S. Friedland, Techniques for Teaching Law, (Durham, N.C.; Carolina Academic Press, 1999)

R. Johnstone, Printed Teaching Materials: A New Approach for Law Teachers, (Sydney, Aust.; Cavendish Publishing (Australia) Pty Ltd., 1996)

C. Kreber, Learning Experientially through Case Studies? A Conceptual Analysis, (2001) 6 Teaching in Higher Education, 217

S. Kurtz, M. Wylie, & N. Gold, Problem-Based Learning: An Alternative Approach to Legal Education, (1990 ) 13 The Dalhousie Law Journal 797

M. Le Brun and R. Johnstone, The Quiet Revolution: Improving Student Learning in Law, (North Ryde, N.S.W.; The Law Book Company Limited, 1994)

M.D. Svinicki & N.M. Dixon, The Kolb Model Modified for Classroom Activities, 35 College Teacher141

Voices from the Classroom: Reflections on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, J. Newton et al. (eds), (Toronto; Garamond Press, 2001)