NO  FAULT  BENEFITS ( Statutory  Accident Benefits Schedule)

Ever since I've been practicing law, those involved in motor vehicle accidents have been able to recover certain portions of their losses as No-Fault Benefits. These are sometimes now called Statutory Accident Benefits or SAABS for short.

No fault benefits are designed to cushion the blow of being off work by paying a portion of any lost wages and by paying for any rehabilitation benefits not covered by OHIP.

The current regime covers almost everything and in many circumstances leaves a victim better off being disabled. Certainly anyone wanting to rehabilitate himself would have all reasonable (and some unreasonable) expenses paid. However some insurance companies are unwilling to pay the proper benefits without a fight. Please feel to contact me if you're having a problem.

When the new system (yes, yet another one) comes into force in the fall, the scope of no-fault benefits will be cut back but you will be able to sue for the full extent of your loss of income.

If your insurer is improperly refusing to pay your benefits, you must apply to the Ontario Insurance Commission for mediation.  If the dispute is not settled at mediation, your best remedy is to apply to the Commission for the appointment of an Arbitrator.