As I find websites that I find interesting and or useful for motorcycle
modelling, I
add them to these links pages.
general modelling web sites, here are a couple of excellent
places to start your search:

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site on you links page. Just right click on the GIF and select Save picture
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Can't read a foreign language?
you've found an interesting web site, but it is in a foreign language. Rather
than trying to find a friend to translate it for you, try the BabelFish
language translator at AltaVista and simply enter the URL into the form and
select the language translation you'd like it to perform.

Friends' Web Sites
Alex Kung's Web Page
Excellent tips and techniques for detailing F1 models.
Motorcycle Modelling Website
André' Boucheré's site features his motorcycle projects, detailing tips and other
motorcycle specific modelling information.