

Developing Film
May 25,
If you plan to publish your photos on the Internet or in a
magazine, consider getting a photo-CD made when you get your film developed.
This saves you the trouble of scanning the prints and gives you much better JPGs
since the film developer will scan the negatives and not the prints. The
photo-CD's JPGs I get are around 1800x1200 pixels in size. These pictures can
then be cropped and reduced to a web friendly size. They will be a little grainy
when compared to a digital camera JPG. Once you shrink the JPG for web page use,
the graininess isn't noticeable.

Taking Studio Style Pictures
May 25,
When I take studio style pictures of my models, I try to do it
outside on a bright, not sunny, day. I set up the model on a table with a
uniform background. I use a couple of blue Shop Towels (tm) draped over a box.
This is because I'm showcasing the model and don't want distractions in the
I set the camera on a tripod and set the camera height to a scale eye level,
or lower. This will give you more 'realistic' looking pictures since they'll
have a first person look to them.